You are not alone.

Online therapy for prenatal and postpartum mood disorders in North Carolina

Are you an expectant or new mother struggling to adjust to life’s demands?

Pregnancy and welcoming home a new baby can be an exciting time. It is also a stressful time for most, with 10-15% of pre and postpartum women struggling with anxiety, depression, OCD, or PTSD.

Symptoms of a prenatal or postpartum mood or anxiety disorder range from person to person and can begin at any time during pregnancy or up to 1 year after giving birth. Anger, irritability, loss of interest in the baby, and crying or sadness are common symptoms of a prenatal or postpartum disorder. Other signs that you may be experiencing a pre or postpartum mood disorder include:

  • Appetite and sleep disturbances

  • Feelings of guilt, shame, or hopelessness

  • Possible thoughts of harming the baby or yourself

 You’re ready to get support and enjoy this life season.

How therapy works

You can learn to manage, cope, and find support.

Therapy work involves a thorough assessment and an understanding of symptoms and concerns. Therapists will want to know the impact of these symptoms on overall functioning. Other important factors considered are developmental history, levels of social support, strengths, values, and hobbies and interests.

An individualized treatment plan will guide the work of therapy, which often involves skills for increasing self-awareness, identifying and challenging unproductive thoughts, expanding one’s perspective, and taking action in the service of what’s personally meaningful. Other aspects of therapy work might include learning and implementing coping skills (relaxation, mindfulness, communication, and emotion regulation).

Ultimately, therapy works best when the client and the therapist are a good fit. It can take several attempts to find the therapist that feels right. I offer a free 15-minute consultation to answer questions and to see if we’d be a good match.

Therapy for prenatal and postpartum mood disorders can help you…

  • Feel validated and understood

  • Build your support network

  • Gain confidence in your abilities

  • Find balance and create boundaries

  • Learn coping skills to manage symptoms

Frequently asked questions about prenatal and postpartum therapy


  • Therapy for prenatal and postpartum mental health concerns works by exploring faulty thinking patterns, feelings, and behavior patterns. It also involves building social networks and skills for creating boundaries and life balance. Learn more.

  • Most women experience the “baby blues” as they adjust to new life demands and hormonal changes. If your symptoms persist for more than two weeks or make it impossible to function, you might benefit from therapeutic intervention. Learn more.

  • Schedule a free consultation! I’d be happy to chat and answer any questions. Learn more.

 You don’t have to struggle alone. Help is available.